How Car Park Management Services Can Help You Manage Parking Problems
Published: 24/07/2023
No matter what industry you’re in, operating a car park can be a nightmare if you don’t use a professional car park management service. From the beginning, the space afforded to your car park determines its capacity – and if it falls short of parking demand, the situation can become tense and chaotic very quickly. On top of this, without parking solutions it can be difficult to determine if those using your car park are genuine customers or not. One of the best ways to ensure parking efficiency and implement new car park management services is to get in touch with a parking consultancy who can help with even the most extreme parking problems. Here at Total Parking Solutions, we offer an extensive range of services across sectors such as retail & leisure, healthcare, education and more.
What are common parking problems?
Some of the most common parking problems include:
- Lack of available spaces. Without consistent and well-enforced car park management services, genuine customers could become frustrated if the turnover in your car park isn’t managed well. For example, in the healthcare industry, the issue of parking is perilously political, and paid parking in hospitals is often seen as an unnecessary tax on the ill. This can create a situation where genuine patients aren’t able to get a space because others are tempted by the prospect of free parking.
- Poor pricing enforcement. In paid parking environments, you need to make sure your customers have a stress-free experience. A confusing, overpriced, or poorly implemented pay model can cause frustration and drive away custom, which would be a serious issue for both the profitability of your car park and your business as a whole.
- Impact on the surrounding area. Without a car park management service or a parking consultancy to advise you, problems can spill over out of your car park and start to have a negative effect on local residents and businesses, especially for car parks near residential zones. Local trust in your business will collapse if you don’t choose firm parking enforcement, as customers will be using nearby residential roads to park because your car park is being managed poorly.
What are car park management services?
Car park management services allow you to take control of your car park and ensure that it reaches its maximum efficiency and profitability. They cover a broad range of services, from the implementation of technology like Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) to solutions rooted in manpower such as marshalling.
Deterring rogue parkers, enforcing payment schemes, ensuring efficient space turnover and keeping customers happy are just a few of the many positive outcomes of using a well-implemented car park management service, but as a parking owner, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Parking problems are often nuanced and require specific expertise to understand how best to solve them. That’s where car park consultants come in.
The benefits of using a car park consultant
If you’re facing issues in your car park and you’re not sure what to do, car park consultants can advise on a wide variety of parking solutions. A good parking consultancy should be able to analyse and understand the problems you’re facing and offer tailored solutions that suit your businesses needs. The expertise in car park management services that a parking consultancy can offer is invaluable to business owners, as they have experience and expertise in implementing new technology, enforcing waiting regimes, and improving the profitability of your car park. Car park consultants should use their track record in implementing car park management services to serve your best interests, allowing you to focus on your business safe in the knowledge that your car park is in trustworthy hands.
Car parking consultancy from TPS
Total Parking Solutions have a long and proven track record of providing quality parking consultancy services to businesses across a range of industries, including healthcare, leisure & retail, and education.
Our car park consultants work directly with you and your business to create a shared goal – such as increased profitability, more efficient turnover, or stricter parking enforcement. This allows us to determine which car park management services best suit the needs of your business, considering any budgetary or timeframe restrictions. We help with implementing these services and offer on-going support once your new car park management system is in place, meaning that from the outset to the realisation of your goals, we’re with you every step of the way. Contact our team today by phone on 01536 680 107, or drop us a line at [email protected] to find out how we can enhance your parking facilities.