Case Studies

Bristol Royal Infirmary


University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is a dynamic and thriving group of hospitals in the heart of Bristol, a vibrant and culturally diverse city.

With over 9,000 staff who deliver over 100 different clinical services across nine different sites. With services from the neonatal intensive care unit to care of the elderly, they provide care to the people of Bristol and the South West.

They provide general diagnostic, medical and surgical services to the populations of central, south Bristol and the north of North Somerset - approximately 350,000 people.

Parking Solution

One of the most common problems faced by hospitals is the lack of parking spaces. Through the pay to park regime Bristol Royal Infirmary are able to address congestion and car parking issues whilst generating much needed revenue to cover the operational parking running costs.

The service provided by us ensures that the hospital car parking is reserved exclusively for those who need it and is not abused by others.

What our Clients Think of Us...

"in 2009 we looked for a new partner to take a more flexible attitude towards our parking policy. Total Parking Solutions came up with some very good ideas and put in a very comprehensive tender. Total Parking Solutions didn't just move the hospital over to a new pay to park system, they also took away all the hassle for this department. As result TPS have been successful through two tender process.

TPS onsite staff are professional, act in the best ineterest of our staff, patients and visitors. Their head office parking control department handles all appeals and parking disputes in a fair, sensitive and professional manner. Our staff, patients and visitors much prefer the system Total Parking Solutions implemented for us."

Martin Reid 
Facilities Department - Bristol Royal Infirmary

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